Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A vocational question, tossed into the ether...

So if one loves making film/video art and literature, how does one become a successful video artist/art-filmmaker? How does one find the financing to make work on anything other than a tiny scale that is challenging and unconventional in its structure and relationship to its source text?


Erik said...

Stimulus money?

Treden said...

Local, State, and Federal Arts Funding?

Or you could get a good camera, a powerful laptop, a larger external storage device, editing software, and a microphone and start making films. Put them on your web site or on YouTube. Enter contests or pursue residency programs.

Your first film would be about the emotional struggle of making your first film.

Treden said...

Some museums commission contemporary media art. This could be a source for funding to expand teh scale and scope of your film making endeavors.